Welcome to Country Care Chiropractic!

About Me

 Here at Country Care Chiropractic, we understand the importance of family. We enjoy treating patients from newborn to long-

lived but for many of us family goes beyond our relatives. We also include our two and four legged friends! Chiropractic care with Dr. Andrea ensures that all of your beloved family member are well cared for. From surgery recovery, falls to arthritis, or just wellness checks- chiropractic adjustments for people and animals has lots to offer!

Dr. Andrea Sperl has her own farm in southern Minnesota and takes pride in caring for all animals! Dr. Andrea originally wanted to be an animal chiropractor and ended deciding to treat humans too!  She attended Northwestern Health Sciences University College of Chiropractic followed by Options for Animals College of Animal Chiropractic in Kansas. She is licensed under the Minnesota Board of Chiropractic Examiners for both people and animals.

Contact Us

Serving Southern Minnesota

Faribault, Owatonna, Northfield, Morristown, Elysian, Waterville, Kilkenny, Farmington, St. Peter, Montgomery, and more...

Phone or text: 952-290-0308 | Email: countrycarechiro@gmail.com